Thursday, May 6, 2010

Time Management

Every working person, no matter what industry or career you have can benefit by implementing some simple steps into our daily routine. According to Andrew Cass, any professional can perform at peak efficiency and be ultra-productive with this simple plan. This plan consists of you mastering 5 steps: 1.) Breaking Free From The Time Management Myth To start out with, we cannot manage time. We CAN manage ourselves. Time is and always will be, ticking by second by second, and we have to make changes ourselves to be more productive. If you fall into the trap of believing that time itself can be managed, you are already in trouble. 2.) You Must Schedule Time For Education and Training To stay on the cutting edge in whatever you do, you must stay up to date with the latest and greatest info. Call it training, education, or whatever, you need to be constantly learning and growing to stay on top of your game. If you don't schedule a time slot in your calendar either daily, or weekly, or monthly to attend a class, workshop, or online webinar - then you are unorganized. 3.) The Vampire That Sucks Your Time Like No Other Distractions. We ALL have them and they come in all forms. email, texting, phone calls, children, spouses, friends, assistants, internet - here's a big one - social media. When you arbitrarily allow them into your working world you are being unproductive, and your time mangement suffers. I schedule the first 4 work hours of my day as my productive time where I am not distrubed, period. No email, my phone is off, I don't check facebook, I am zeroed in and focused like no other. I take a short break at the top of each hour to stretch, get a drink, and grab a couple minutes of fresh air. Then I'm back at whatever my task is, whether it be writing, marketing, or advertising. Then after all my tasks are completed for that day, I have a scheduled time for these time suckers. 4.) The Importance of Your Environment It needs to be conducive for creativity and focus. Since I work from home, I've heard that no million dollar thought ever came when the kids were running around the room. I have a quiet area that is my space to get my work done. If I need to be creative, perhaps I'll get out and go work at the lake or local park. 5.) How to Place a Dollar Value on Your Time Pick your income goal for the next 12 months. For an example let's use the number $200,000. There are approx. 250 work days per year give or take, and 8 work hours per day. 250 x 8 = 2,000 hours. $200,000 divided by $2000 = $100 per hour. Conventional wisdom will tell you that this math is correct. But conventional wisdom is wrong when it comes to time management. See out of the 8 hours you work each day, you are really only productive, doing income producing activities, in 3 of those 8 hours. The other 5 hours you are getting ready to make the money or putting things in place to be productive. But 3 hours or your day you are doing the activities that earn you your income. So 250 days x 3 hours per day = 750 hours per year. $200,000 divided by 750 = $267 per hour. $267 per hour! Now next time you get distracted on facebook, allow meaningless phone calls to interrupt you, or spent an hour on email that could have been avoided......

Stress Management

More than three decades ago, teachers have a strong power to control their students. Parents allowed teachers to give strong punishment to their children because they believe that teachers can make students learn when they are afraid. Teachers in the past have strong direct authority over their students so they can get great respect from them. But society changed it. Particularly students who are in middle school and high school. They don't know how to recognize and to be grateful for the effort of their teachers. Most of them didn't know that teachers are those who are molding and motivating their skills to be successful in the near future. As what other people say, teaching as a profession is a very stressful job. All kinds of job can give stress but teaching is more stressful. In this case they are not dealing with computers, business matters or so on. Instead they're dealing with people or kids who have the power to change our world into a better place to live. Stress management for teachers is a must so that they will have patience to handle kids and young adults. Preschool teaching is the most stressful among the school teacher's level. Parents want their kids to be aware what is inside the school before they enter kindergarten. So they let their kids go to school even though kids are at least two or three years old until such time that their kids are ready to enter kindergarten. It's so hard for preschool teachers to control a large number of energetic children who have entered school for the first time. They often teach kids something that incorporate with their senses through playing. So, exerting more effort and good strategies are stressful. It doesn't have a problem if all your students are normal that they can interact with all their classmates, but how about if a kid has a lack of attention disorder? This kind of kid has a tendency to meddle with the class. Then it will reach to the point that the teacher cannot concentrate because of the disturbances that the kid has created. This phenomenon can multiply the stress that the teacher can feel. They could feel that they are such a failure because they can't comply their duty and responsibility as a teacher. Another thing is that the students cannot concentrate anymore and to make the matter worse, the class is getting uncontrollable. Kids are not the only ones that give stress to the teachers. Administration and organization is also a part of it. They have lots of never ending demands as if they didn't know how hard it is to maintain a classroom management. The school's vision is very strong that teachers don't have the capacity to keep it and they even lack supplies for making their vision successful. Stress management should be kept by teachers so that they can keep their jobs. They have to take all the challenges as a part of their job and it can make them better persons. Experimenting and finding new relaxation while having a class with your students is necessary. If you are stressed as well as your students try to suggest a short trip with them in the weekend or try to go camping with them. It's a kind of stress management with pleasure and making a strong bond between you and your students.

Anger Management

Anger could be brought about by other internal or external agents. It could come about as the outcome of a quarrel or a fight, a bout with a boss, a traffic jam, or even a past memory of a hurt or grudge could cause anger. According to certain health and wellness experts, anger can be defined as an emotional condition which differs in intensity from moderate annoyance to extreme wrath and outburst. Being angry could be constructive to an extent yet could very easily lead to destructive tendencies. Identifying when you are mad and looking for ways to controlling anger are really significant. Now, let us take a closer look at ways or methods of controlling anger. Learning how to relax is an effective tactic to disperse a situation whenever anger is trying to take over. Envision an image or memory which helps you in giving you joy and makes you calm. In addition, you can choose phrases or words and repeat it to yourself in your mind whenever you feel angry. Suggestions are making use of the words, “relaxed” or “calm”, or “take it easy”, “take a break” or “calm down” imagery can go a long way to make relaxation a reality. And for instance, you can also learn to breathe from your diaphragm, as breathing from one’s chest as most individuals are inclined to do, isn’t going to assist you to relax your body and brains at all. There are times that anger simply happens in relation to situations wherein someone have no control of. So whenever this takes place, create a brief plan about how to cope with the problem or dilemma and then take note of your growth and progress in dealing with the circumstances at hand. And by developing better and practical problem solving abilities is another method of controlling anger. Just do the best as you could but don’t beat yourself up if some things never go as planned—just keep on aiming for your best. Yoga is also another useful technique to relax yourself from the top of your head till the bottom of your feet. Be sure to select the ones that are slow and not too strenuous for your body as there are several forms of yoga. Yoga aids in calming the brains as well as rejuvenating the muscles. Some other ways to refresh in order to control anger involves taking the time off to learn how to meditate or just getting a soothing massage. Moreover, always take a break or a brief breather from those stressful moments and schedule some time off or personal time for yourself daily, even for only an hour every day. Do something you particularly enjoy which makes you happy, like taking a walk in the park, watching your favorite movie, relaxing in a bubble bath, window shopping, reading a good book, or even just chatting with a friend. Just remind yourself that consequently anger does not solve anything. We just have to learn to adjust our attitude as an effective way of controlling anger.